Medicine For World (MFW) is an online based medicine supplying service focused on providing safe and affordable lifesaving prescription medicines globally.

We’re licensed online pharmacy service provider in Bangladesh. We’ve corporate office in Dubai, UAE. Bismib Enterprise is our global marketing and cross border solution partner. We supply most kind of generic prescription medicine manufactured by Bangladeshi pharma companies. We give top priority to supply ‘WHO Model List of Essential Medicines (EML)’. Specially now we’re supplying Oncology (Anti cancer), Anti viral, Bio-tech, Liver diseases (Hepatitis B, C) and other lifesaving prescription drugs. We follow International drugs rules and regulations to supply prescription medicines globally. According to WTO rules and regulations, we can supply our prescription medicine in most of the country for patient’s personal use.

We assist patient in getting required medicine against valid prescription and other documents as required by the laws of jurisdiction in which they’re present. We consult and facilitate patients, hospitals, clinicians and researchers in accessing products through reliable sources, which are not available or approved in their home country. Our online medicine supplying service is helping lots of patient around the world to get safe and affordable lifesaving prescription medicines from Bangladesh. Patients are being cured by taking our pharma companies standard quality medicines. We’re providing this service since 2015. We’ve good reputation as an online prescription medicine supplying service from Bangladesh. Registered doctors and patients recommend our service to help other patients around the world. BBC World News reported about our online prescription medicine supplying service on their program. These are our great achievements.